Men's Health

Men and boys are vital members of our homes, workplaces, schools and broader communities. While men and women share many of the same health challenges, there are also risk factors and health concerns that are unique to the male population.

Suicide is the leading cause of death
for men under the age of 45,
and a leading cause of death in other age groups.

1 in 8 men experience depression and
1 in 5 men experience an anxiety condition in their lifetime.

Indigenous men, men in rural communities and men in ‘high risk’ communities
and industries have increased rates of physical and mental ill-health.

Men's Health Facts

Men may have a number of unique risks for developing physical and mental ill health, depending on physiological, demographic, geographic or lifestyle factors. A propensity towards physical and mental ill-health can also be exacerbated by circumstances at home, work or in the community.

  • 3 out of 4 males are considered obese and many do not adequately participate in exercise
  • 1 in 2 men drink alcohol at a level that exceed daily consumption guidelines, and 1 in 6 still smoke daily
  • Men are more likely to experience self-injury or engage in high risk behaviours resulting in accidents
  • Men have significantly higher rates of workplace accidents than women
  • Australian men have a lower life expectancy than Australian women
  • Stigma remains a leading barrier to seeking help and support

References: Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2008). National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results 2007 (No. 4326.0), Australian Instituteof Health and Welfare. (2020). Australia’s health 2020: in
brief (No. AUS 232), Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2020). Deaths in Australia (No. PHE229)., Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2019). The health of Australia’s males (No. PHE 239), Safe Work Australia. (2020). Work-related injury fatalities – Key WHS statistics Australia 2020.

Improving Men's Health

Whether we are men or women, we all have a role in supporting the health and wellbeing of men in our families, workplaces and communities. By understanding the issues we can all contribute in meaningful ways to help create happy and healthy lifestyles for men and boys.

  • Empower and support men and boys to optimise their own and each other’s health and wellbeing
  • Be open to talking about both physical and mental ill-health
  • Value the contributions of men and boys of all ages, and from all walks of life
  • Stay connected with mates and if you’re worried about someone, don’t ignore it
  • Learn about men’s health issues and promote and participate in healthy behaviours
  • Get behind the many organisations who lead men’s health programs and initiatives
  • Celebrate the important role that mates, fathers, brothers, husbands and sons play in society


There are many organisations who lead programs, provide male friendly services and offer support. We’ve listed a few to help you get started. 


Men’s Health Week

Find out what’s on in your area and access men’s health resources

Blokepedia Events 

Listen to experts and hear experiences from others who have been through similar life events and identified effective strategies for problem-solving.


Support for Australian men anywhere, anytime.

Health Direct

Healthdirect provides easy access to trusted, quality health information and advice online and over the phone.

Healthy Male

Easy access to the latest scientific and medical research on male reproductive and sexual health

Australian Men’s Health Forum

The peak body for men’s health in Australia, focusing on the social factors that shape men and boys’ health.

Men's Health in the Workplace

Workplace health and safety is an important element of healthy, happy and productive staff. Employers and managers must recognise that mental health is an essential component. This is particularly important in industries where mental ill-health and suicide are more prevalent – including male dominated industries and professions.

  • Ensure wellbeing programs incorporate mental health components that are embedded into your day-to-day operations
  • Create mental health literacy in the workplace – encourage positive conversations, remove stigma and educate staff – particularly where men might be concerned about seeking help
  • Create an environment and culture where men can safely access the support they need and also support each other – men helping other men
  • Generate opportunities for meaningful connection – teamwork, positive morale and support networks (colleagues, family, formal services)
  • Implement screening tools that will identify physical and mental health risks for staff on both an individual and workplace level
  • Gain access to data that will help you track the overall physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of your staff, and benchmark this against other organisations

Contact us to learn more about OzHelp’s projects and workplace programs.

Contact Us

Need to talk to someone? Are you worried about someone you know?

You can reach an OzHelp support officer on 1300 694 357 (9am – 5pm, Mon- Fri). You can access 24/7 support by calling Lifeline on 13 11 14, Beyondblue on 1300 22 4636, or MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78.

You may also find it helpful to talk to your GP, local health professional or someone you trust.