Translating data into practical, engaging wellbeing initiatives
OzHelp and Metropolitan Roads Program Alliance (MRPA) have collaborated to support MRPA staff across Victoria in partnership with Fulton Hogan. This collaboration demonstrates the power of translating data into practical, engaging wellbeing initiatives that support staff health and wellbeing.
- Client: Metropolitan Roads Program Alliance (MRPA) in partnership with Fulton Hogan
- Program established: 2019
- Employees: 270 (MRPA)
- Location: Victoria
- Industry: Construction and Engineering
Speaking with Safety Manager, Rob D’Angelo, it is clear he is passionate about addressing the wellbeing needs of staff across their offices and sites. Working in an industry that acknowledges it deals with high levels of workplace pressure, MRPA knew they needed to better understand the physical and mental stressors facing their staff, both in the workplace and more generally in life. In doing this, the intention was to develop practical responses and protective measures that would result in a healthier and happier workforce.
In 2019, MRPA launched an internal campaign alongside R U OK? Day to raise awareness of the importance of wellbeing and encourage participation in OzHelp’s digital health screening and education tool, the Workplace Tune Up (WTU).
Staff were positively engaged and a group of 90 completed the confidential WTU, self-assessing their health and wellbeing. Each staff member could choose to receive information on health topics of interest to them. The resulting de-identified data report provided by OzHelp enabled MRPA to identify the top health and wellbeing issues impacting staff at the time. This included key findings on topics such as: fatigue and sleep; healthy eating; and access to medical and allied health services.
According to Rob, this data would go on to become a benchmark that would enable them to proactively respond to these issues and achieve better staff outcomes over time.
“We were able to gain a snapshot of issues affecting staff at the start of a program lifecycle, and to follow that up in 2020 to see how things had changed. Having these insights allows us to implement focused initiatives for staff. This strengthens our workforce, programs and business,” said Rob.
“Unsurprisingly, given the challenges with Covid-19, we have experienced significant changes in the concerns facing our staff. More than ever it’s important for us to focus on support measures and encouraging connectedness and resilience.”
Some of the initiatives implemented include:
- A new Fatigue Management Procedure and training around fatigue and sleep hygiene with input from sleep experts;
- on-site access to medical health supports such as free flu vaccines, Covid-19 tests and skin cancer checks;
- access to mobile therapeutical interventions such as physiotherapy, yoga and mindfulness sessions;
- a mentorship program that provides positive inter-organisational leadership modelling and connection;
- internal health promotions through the corporate newsletter and site based activations to encourage positive health measures such as healthy diets and participation in fitness;
- small practical changes such as availability of more fruit and vegetables for snacking; and
- resilience education sessions during the pandemic – offered on site and via online modules.
These initiatives are great examples of the inter-relationship between physical, mental, social, and environmental factors for total health and wellbeing. They further highlight the need to be nimble when developing workplace wellbeing programs to adapt to new challenges such as those arising from the pandemic.
Another key point highlighted by Rob is the need for staff engagement and co-design of wellbeing initiatives. OzHelp’s recommendations provided MRPA with an opportunity to present health and wellbeing data back to staff, and to consult with them on the best way forward. The organisation convenes a Wellbeing Focus Group and continues to invite feedback for continual improvement.
“Ultimately, we see great value in having a happy workforce. A workforce who feels they want to work here because we genuinely care. The Workplace Tune Up allowed us to pinpoint ways to achieve this over time.”
OzHelp is proud to support MRPA and Fulton Hogan to achieve their workforce wellbeing goals. Contact us for more information about the Workplace Tune Up or to discuss the wellbeing needs across your organisation.
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