
Practicing GRATITUDE will prepare your mind to be focused, productive and well every day.

Why it matters.

  • GRATITUDE is when you purposely think about something you are thankful for.
  • Science shows that focusing on being thankful stops thoughts that are stressful and thoughts that make you worry.

What should I do?

Practise the three P’s: Person. Pleasure. Promise. (30 seconds)
  • Think of a PERSON you are grateful for.
    • Pull up a picture of that person in your mind.
    • Take 10 seconds to experience how you feel when think about that person.
  • Think of a small PLEASURE you have experienced.
    • It could be something as small as a glimpse of blue sky.
    • Take 10 seconds to experience how you feel when you remember the small pleasure.
  • Think of a new idea for the future that popped into your head as you slept or as you go through your day – think of an idea that holds PROMISE for the future.
    • Take 10 seconds to experience how you feel when you think about the PROMISE for the future.


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