Practise Sleeping Well
When you work long hours with early starts there are small actions you can take to practise getting better quality sleep every time you sleep.
Why it matters.
Getting good quality sleep is a skill. When you repeat a routine that gets you good quality sleep your body will strive to repeat it.
- You will have increased energy, improved focus, better memory, reduced stress, and stronger protection against becoming unwell.
- You will stay well, refreshed and safe to work.
What should I do?
- Create a sleep time routine – practice it.
- Use blue light to wake, yellow light before sleep, red light if you need a night light.
- Take 3 deep breaths hourly – schedule it.
- Sip water hourly – schedule it.
- Write your small wins – schedule it before sleep.
- Write problems you need to solve – schedule it before sleep.
How should I do it?
Create a sleep time routine – practice it. Read more here
- Train your brain to prepare for sleep by following the same set routine every time you need to sleep.
- You could play a song or write in a journal so your brain learns to associate these actions with sleep.
- Some workers play a white noise APP.
- Some workers like to read.
- Some workers find an eye mask and ear plugs helpful.
- Some workers find a hot shower before bed raises their body temperature so when the temperature cools it signals to their body that it’s time for sleep.
Use blue light to wake, yellow light before sleep, red light if you need a night light. Read more here
- Blue light tells your brain to energise your body and get ready for the day.
- Yellow light tells your brain to relax your body and get it ready for sleep.
- Red light is the least disruptive to your sleep routine if you need to see during your scheduled sleep time
TIP: Limit blue light by staying off your devices at least 60 minutes before sleep, switching your devices to night mode (yellow screen) before you use them at night, or by downloading and using an APP such as f.lux (for Android devices).
- Get as much natural light as you can when you want to be awake.
Take 3 deep breaths hourly – schedule it to help you remember and set reminders on your phone. Read more here
Sip water hourly – schedule it and set reminders on your phone. Read more here
TIP: Combine sips of water with 3 deep breaths while repeating your affirmation to yourself across your day for improved benefit.
Write your small wins – schedule it before sleep. Read more here
- Every time before sleep, write a list of things that have gone well for you during the day and things you are grateful for.
Write problems you need to solve – schedule it before sleep.
- If you are a bedtime worrier, schedule ‘worry time’ before bed and write your worries down (that is, the problems you need to solve). Once you retire, remind yourself that you’ve already done your worrying for the day. Read more here
If you need to solve a problem be specific about the worry you write down. You can normally tell what worries you most by what your brain goes over and over (for many workers these are finances or connections). Read more here
Other information
Tips for night shift and Sleep Apnoea information can be found here
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