
OzHelp’s support team exists to help you tackle life’s challenges and overcome setbacks. We have both male and female support workers, and you can contact us during business hours to ask a question, seek support or just to talk something through.

Confidential Support

OzHelp’s support services are always confidential and we are here to discuss anything that is troubling you.

No information will be passed on to your employer or anyone else about you.

Conversations are between you and OzHelp at all times.

Some of the concerns we can help with include:

  • Not coping at work
  • Having trouble with relationships
  • Can’t sleep
  • Feeling down
  • Can’t shake your worries
  • Parenting or co-parenting issues
  • Drinking too much
  • Gambling issues
  • A friend you are worried about
  • Financial issues

You can access support by calling  available 24/7.

Other ways we can support you

Our mental health and suicide prevention workshops are delivered by experienced and engaging team members and are designed to promote the benefits of taking care of yourself and focusing on the things that keep you well. Our courses aim to:

  • promote open conversation about mental health and wellbeing
  • increase your awareness and understanding of depression, anxiety and suicide
  • encourage a supportive and connected workplace environment
  • reduce the stigma associated with mental illness
  • connect you with the supports you may need to keep things on track, or get back on track

We do cover some sensitive topics and support is provided if the content is concerning for you.

You can talk to us on the day, or afterwards by calling   available 24/7.

As part of our program you may be offered access to our confidential health and wellbeing check, either online or face-to-face via our on-site Tradie Tune Up visits.

These programs can provide you with a quick and convenient health screen that provides:

  • a snap shot of your overall health and wellbeing
  • information regarding health and mental health topics
  • referral pathways or links to resources.
  • ongoing access to our wellbeing support team for any issues or concerns you may be facing, either at the time or down the track.

It is important to note that this program is optional and strictly confidential.

Interested in learning more about how we can support you?

Connect with us to learn more about our training, health promotion initiatives and support programs.

View our Privacy Policy.