Whether you are feeling busy, are under the pump, or things are going well for you there are small actions you can take to prepare your mind to be focused, productive and well every day.
Why a well mind matters
You will experience greater life satisfaction – you will feel happier and more satisfied with your life.
You will have more energy and focus to be successful at what you do.
You will feel mentally stronger to manage life’s challenges.
Tips for a Well Mind
Live with purpose.
Living with a strong sense of purpose makes you less likely to develop heart disease, stress and depression.
Take satisfaction in your job, especially a job well done. What you do for work helps you put food on the table and may even assist the wider community.
Identify your passions (ask yourself: What do I love to do?) and try to include your passions in your day-to-day, or as something to look forward to. For example, you could make time to watch a footy game each weekend or host a ‘finals night’ with your mates.
Schedule time for healthy activities each day to physically and mentally recharge your body and brain to improve your focus and productivity.
Schedule something that brings you joy, for example, listen to music, or read.
Schedule time for learning something new. It can be something as small as learning a new word.
Schedule time for exercise orphysical activity. Try to walk wherever and whenever you can.
Schedule a few minutes each day to do nothing.This isn’t a waste of time, a few minutes allows your muscles to let go, your mind to be still and will improve your energy, focus, productivity, and problem solving.
Reframe your thinking
Choose to look at a past event and purposefully look at it differently.
Accept problems and reframe them as challenges.
Learn from your mistakes. Mistakes are good at teaching you what not to do in the future.
Forgive yourself and others for things that have happened in the past.
Practice gratitude
Gratitude is when you purposely think about something you are thankful for.
Science shows that focusing on being thankful stops thoughts that are stressful and thoughts that make you worry.
When you focus on the good things in your life you will give less power to negative emotions and feel more positive.
How to Practice Gratitude:
Take 5 minutes each day (either first thing in the morning or just before bed) to write down 3 things that you are grateful for or glad you experienced. You can be grateful for the smallest things, such as your morning coffee, the sunshine, or a meal that you cooked and enjoyed.
Being on the road is a great opportunity to take photos of things in your everyday life that make you smile. You could share these with your family or friends.
Take time to tell your friends or partner the reasons why you appreciate them. This will help you and them feel instantly closer.
Develop a long-term vision (a long-term goal)
Write a goal that you would like to achieve in the next 12 months. Write down the steps you’ll need to take to achieve the goal. Make the steps assmall as you can.
Help someone else
Science shows we are often happiest when we do something for someone else.