
Build. Strengthen. Support.

With over 20 years’ experience, OzHelp are a national leader in providing health and wellbeing support to workplaces and individuals. We have developed evidence-based, scalable, accessible and cost-effective programs that assist employers in creating resilient, mentally healthy workplaces by helping individual employees achieve their best possible mental health and wellbeing.

Service Offerings

Planning and Advisory Services

OzHelp’s systematic approach to employee health and wellbeing aims to positively impact the current psychological climate in your workplace across four key areas including, harm prevention, early intervention, supporting recovery and health initiatives.

Whether you are starting to consider psychological safety in your workplace, or you’re looking to renew your existing program, we can help.

Early Intervention Health Screening

These health screens are often referred to as Tune Ups, it is a convenient way for your workforce to access health screens whilst onsite or on the road. Our wellbeing support workers and nurses provide a quick health assessment to individuals and will link workers to ongoing support and referral pathways if needed.

Tradie & Truckie Tune Ups | 6 – 16 people | 1 full day

  • 20-30mins per check
  • one-on-one pre-screening health questionnaire with one of our wellbeing support workers around lifestyle and wellbeing
  • followed by a one-on-one consultation with one of our nurses to go through diabetes risk assessment & blood pressure. Cholesterol checks are also available but only for Tradie Tune Ups & Workplace Tune Ups.
  • each participant is emailed their results and referral to specified resources to help improve wellbeing
  • follow up phone call at 3 weeks, 3 months & 6 months

Workplace Tune Ups | 20 – 30 people | 1 full day

  • 20-30mins per check
  • in depth digital pre-screening health questionnaire around lifestyle and wellbeing
  • followed by a consultation with one of our nurses to go through diabetes risk assessment, cholesterol, and blood pressure
  • each participant is emailed their results and referral to specified resources to help improve wellbeing
  • a follow up if any results are outside of the recommended parameters
  • deidentified Workplace Tune Up report is provided to the employer to help provide scope for the business to target health initiatives to areas of highest risk
  • 12 months of ongoing support and coaching from the OzHelp Wellbeing Support Team
  • option to add 6 months onsite follow-up with Workplace Tune Up participants to see how their tracking

Wellbeing @ Work

8 – 20 people | 20 – 30 minutes

Wellbeing @ Work is a 20–30-minute interactive information session delivered onsite. It focuses on 5 important areas – Connection, Exercise, Nutrition, Sleep and Mood. It’s an awareness raising opportunity for employees to self-rate their current state of wellbeing, barriers to optimal wellbeing and to consider what practical steps to overcome these barriers and improve their wellbeing in all aspects.

Toolbox Chats

8 – 20 people | 15 – 20 minutes

Toolbox Chats are a suite of 20-minute presentations on a range of physical and mental health topics. The sessions are suitable for presentation during start up meetings onsite, during a BBQ or events. These sessions can be delivered as an individual topic or grouped together depending on the requirement of the workplace. Links to digital resources can be provided after each session for distribution throughout your workforce.

Wellbeing Empowerment Program

8 – 12 people | 2 hours

The Wellbeing Empowerment Program is a two-hour interactive session that participants can expect to increase their knowledge and understanding of wellbeing, and technique to improve it.  It talks about the statistics of mental health across Australia, goes through what things make up wellbeing and how wellbeing can be affected. The workshop includes a digital health check (Workplace Tune Up) enabling participants to get a snapshot of their wellbeing, so they can recognise signs within themselves, where they might need support and how to reach out. The program is designed to inspire participants to engage in self-care, seek help when they need it, and look out for others.

Available face-to-face and online.

Life Skills Toolbox

Comprised of 6 x 2 hour modules, Life Skills Toolbox is aimed at young workers, apprentices and cadets to help them build the skills needed to succeed at work. Topics covered include resilience, physical health, financial health, mental health and wellbeing, communication, workplace health and how to help a mate who is doing it tough.

Currently in redevelopment for launch in 2023

Peer Supporter Program

8 – 12 people | 3.5 hours

This training session is aimed at people who have an interest in health and wellbeing, and who want to develop skills to give them the confidence to look out for individuals within their team or organisation. It goes through what wellbeing is, and what can affect wellbeing, and most importantly – how to recognise in other people, when they might be struggling. It provides guidance on how to have a conversation with someone who is struggling, and then how to get them the professional support they might need. It will touch upon suicide prevention but is aimed more at the everyday conversations that are highly likely to occur (upstream preventive training – work/life balance, financial stress etc.).

Leader Support Program

8 – 12 people | 3.5 hours

This training session is aimed at leaders, managers and executive level employees. It will cover an introduction to OzHelp, the importance of self-care, ensuring people understand that health and wellbeing is a shared responsibility whilst highlighting the importance of setting boundaries as a leader and finally how to empathically support an employee going through work or personal issues, whilst remaining professional. It will touch upon suicide prevention but is aimed more at the everyday conversations that are highly likely to occur (upstream preventive training – work/life balance, financial stress etc).

Counselling and Support

Our wellbeing support team will follow-up with anyone who has presented as at-risk through the health screen or during a training session.

Anyone who participates in an OzHelp program is provided with support to help them develop plans and/or tools to address their concerns, or refer them to other services such as their doctor, a counsellor, a psychologist, or crisis services.

👷‍ Building & construction or related industry workers and their families can access free counselling and 24/7 phone support by calling OzHelp on 1300 OZHELP (1300 694 357) available 24/7.

🚛 Transport and logistics workers and their families can access free counselling and 24/7 phone support by calling Health in Gear on 1800 IN GEAR (1800 464 327) available 24/7.

Enquire now about how OzHelp can help your workplace!