Early Intervention Health Checks

A check-up and conversation with a health professional in a setting that is suitable for the individual.

Tradie Tune Up (TTU)

  • 20-30mins per check.
  • Pre-screening health questionnaire one-on-one with a Wellbeing Support Worker.
  • Referral to specific resources as requested.
  • Questionnaire includes general wellbeing check, nutrition, alcohol, health care.
  • A one-on-one with a Nurse to go through diabetes risk assessment and blood pressure.
  • Max 16 participants in a day.
  • Free for ACT based construction employees.

Nurse-Led Workplace Tune Up (WTU)

  • 20-30mins per check
  • Pre-screening health questionnaire leading to in-depth conversations around lifestyle and wellbeing.
  • A one-on-one with one of our Nurses to go through diabetes risk assessment, cholesterol, and blood pressure.
  • Referral to specific resources as requested.
  • Each participant gets their results emailed to them, and a follow up if any results are outside of the recommended parameters.
  • Deidentified Workplace Tune Up report is provided to the employer to provide scope for future health initiatives targeting areas of highest risk.
  • 12 months of ongoing support and coaching from the OzHelp Wellbeing Support Team.

Best Practice Accredited

The Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program is the only national accreditation program of its kind. It is designed to assure the safety, quality and efficacy of Australia’s suicide prevention programs. OzHelp are proud to have the Tradie Tune Up and Workplace Tune-Up Programs accredited under these standards.

Do you work in transport and logistics? Find out about our Truckie Tune Ups

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